"THE GODFATHER" - Framed Space Print - 40cm x 50cm


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"THE GODFATHER" is a limited edition run of high-quality prints that would look spectacular anywhere you decide to hang it! There are only 75 prints available from Retro Space Junk, so you'll be joining an exclusive group of individuals. You'll also receive a small A7-size info slip in a crisp-black envelope with in-depth mission details and a NASA pin to show off to your other Space friends.


'What sets your prints apart from others online?'

The main difference from other prints online is our upscaling process - our team have carefully adjusted the images (the originals taken with written permission from the NASA archives), so that they're not blurry from simply scaling-them up. Great care and time has been taken to ensure no features have been edited out from the originals or changed in anyway to ensure historical accuracy. But we want to provide customers with images that will have a lasting 'wow' factor every time you see it.


'Why have you done this?'

To put it simply: the limits of technology at the time of many of the missions, meant that some images were taken using as little as 1.6 megapixels. Which in historical context was amazing but resulted in some graininess and blur. In order to achieve a good-quality and larger print size, this needed addressing. The size of the product (frame) is 40cm x 50cm, with the internal image (inside the frame) being 30cm x 40cm. We've done our best to ensure images have been respectfully adjusted to today's standards - however as ever some graininess or slight blur might remain in much older examples.






Aptly named, 'The Godfather' this stunning image of the gas-giant Jupiter looming out in our solar system is an incredible mix of colour and a display of the raw-power of weather patterns raging across it's atmosphere. It also comes with an information insert which gives you details about the image, date it was taken and further mission info.




Our limited-run space print comes on high-quality 242GSM paper, it's a C-type print, meaning it has a greater range of colours and more colour separation in the blacks (perfect for space photos). They're notoriously tough and don't scuff or scratch easily. However, you need not worry - as all frames come with a protective PS screen to avoid smudging the artwork. They're hand-packed and shipped (UK only) securely with FREE UK delivery.





These prints are subject to copyright and are produced & sold for educational purposes only and not for resale. This product has NOT been endorsed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) or it's partners and is sold independently using content available in the public domain and with written permission from NASA for each image used. If you have any questions about these prints, please contact us at team@retrospacejunk.com for more information.

Hand-packed items

Your order is prepared and collected by a courier within 24 hours of payment.

Delivery Times

Typically in the UK, shipping will only take between 3 - 4 days to arrive to your home.

Customer support

Any problems with receiving your order or you need to return it, our team can help!